8340 Lincoln Ave, Suite 202 Skokie, IL 60077-2463 Voicemail: 847-786-1500 Fax: 847-677-5892 Email: doc@growingon.net
Welcome to our site.
Lives change with
the passage of time and encounter unique challenges and opportunities. Adjusting well to these transitions is the key
to preventing problems before "needing" mental health treatment. Entering school then high school and college;
Marriage and family issues; Jobs and career changes; Health Issues and Aging. These are normal stressors, but can be
further complicated when medical, emotional or psychiatric symptoms are present.
Managing the complexities
of life can be facilitated with a therapeutic relationship which is trustworthy and productive.
Growing On Network
is a clinical psychology practice which serves children, adolescents, adults, families and seniors with quality, ethics
and positive results. Its focus is on solutions instead of problems, on action instead of reaction. Let's do it
Solutions need to be as individualized as possible. There is no "right way", "normal way", or "what
other people do." Understanding each person, each relationship and each unique situation guides all subsequent
treatment. Psychological factors. Biological
factors. Social-Interpersonal factors. Environmental
factors. What are the identified goals?
What changes are needed? What are the available resources? Who will participate? What stands in your way? Most importantly, how do we get there from here? The steps are simple-- understand the problem; brainstorm solutions; try one out and see how it works. Repeat as
Grow on! Contact with any questions: Mail it to us , Phone at: 847-786-1500 or search Mental Health Issues at:
Merck Medical Library
Mental Health Info
Nat'l Institute of Mental Health
We offer the following services: Cognitive-Behavioral HealthCare Child, Adolescent, Adult & Senior Services Clinical Assessments & Psychotherapy Couples, Marital & Family Therapy Treatment
Dr. Goldstein received his PhD from Arizona State University and has been
in practice for over 35 years. Dr. Goldstein has worked in and consulted with medical and psychiatric hospitals,
nursing homes and assisted living facilities, residential and day treatment programs and child guidance centers.
He has been published in "Rehabilitation Psychology" and has been cited in a series of Chicago Tribune articles. In
utilizing the "psycho-bio-social" model of human functioning, multiple factiors are considered in full treatment
planning. His treatment orientation is "Cognitive-Behavioral" and he serves as an educator, facilitator,
consultant and therapist for each client as needed.
Proud member of the following organizations:
National Register of Health Service Psychologists
Practice Affiliated with:
Sunrise Senior Living
Hills HealthCare
Map to Location
Youth, etc (evaluation & treatment centers)
Steve Meyers, LCSW Child, Adolescent & Family Therapy
Skokie, Arlington Heights, Lake Bluff, IL